Friday, October 26, 2018

R - Sorting Vectors

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For Data Analysis we will often have to order or sort data in increasing and decreasing orders . In this post let's see how to use sorting functions on our CO2 emission dataset.

In our CO2 emission data set we want to order the plants based on the conc or uptake column. The sort() function sorts the vector in increasing order .
>conc <- CO2$conc
>conc = sort(conc)

From this sorted vector we can find the least and highest concentration details of all the plants. However , for more analysis on the complete dataset instead of just the conc data , the function order() is  more useful. It takes a vector and returns the indices that sorts the vector .

For Eg, consider 5 numbers 31 ,4, 15 ,92 and 65. The sort function on this data returns 4,15,31,65,92. Rather than sort the vector, the function order gives us back the index that if used to index the vector will sort it .
>index <- order(conc)


Using this index which orders the dataset based on the CO2 conc, we can order the rest of the columns for example we can print the plant names having the least and highest concentrations of CO2.  

max() and min()
If we are interested only in the entry with the largest value we can use the max() function . And which.max() gives us the index of that entry. Similarly for minimum value we use the min() function and which.min() gives the index .

Like sort() and order() there is one more function called rank() which for any list , gives a vector with the rank of the first entry , second entry etc.

Eg : Let’s look at the vector of numbers used earlier 31 ,4, 15 ,92 and 65. The rank of the this vector gives us 3,1,2,5,4 . Because 31 , the first entry is the third smalles value in the list . 4 is the smallest so it gets a 1 .

Here is the summary of the three functions discussed above .Refer the R manual for more details on these sort functions.

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